Category: CAR

Gas Isn’t Expensive

Image by Didgeman from Pixabay
Danger: Angry Goose Ranting Ahead!

It’s Your Car That’s Expensive

Well, we’ve made it folks! As of May 2022, we surpassed the $2 per litre barrier. I’ve seen it reach as high as $2.17 where I live. And it’s about time! I’m surprised we haven’t gotten here sooner even with the large contribution from the geopolitical crisis caused by the invasion of Ukraine. All this whining and complaining about how much it takes to fill up your tank… Stop it! Just stop it!

Because you know what? Gas isn’t expensive. It’s your car that’s expensive…

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0% Car Financing vs High Interest Loans

Is it a secret prince or a big slimy trick?!
-Source: pixel2013 | Pixabay

Car dealerships seem to be almost everywhere, trying to sell you the latest, shiniest, freshest smelling new vehicle! Once in a while, they’ll try to entice you with the “Buy now with 0% APR” deals. Since I’ve never bought a new car myself, a part of me was thinking, Hmmm, 0% sounds pretty good… How bad could a decision of this caliber really be? After all, 0% is mathematically a much better rate than one of those super high-interest quick loans of 30% or 40%. So it should win by default, doesn’t it? And no one in their right mind would finance a new car with a high-interest loan…Because that would be crazy, right???

Thankfully, car dealerships are here to save the day by offering 0% APR because they’re on “our” (their) side and looking out for “our” (their) best interests…

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