“…Demons with whips of chain and claws of steel….shrouded in fire, darkness and shadow…”
“This is a foe beyond any of you” -Gandalf
Would I be so bold as to equate the HOOPP pension with one of the most monstrous horrors of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings? Should I go that far? Is it really that bad? Hmmm… So many rhetorical questions, about to be given concrete answers! Perhaps in matters such as this, the question is not “if” you find something of a Balrog caliber, but “when”… So… The answer to these questions is yes. The deeper we dig, the more we’ll find. And in this episode, we’re going to unearth the buried; quantify the un-quantifiable! And Uncover hidden secrets! Read on if you dare!
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