Tag: cash back

The PC Optimum Program – Part 3: Maxing Out!

“Let them eat cake!” -Galen Weston

You’re paying a price. And it’s higher than you might think. Much of the cost has been hidden, swept under the metaphorical rug. But it’s still there. It’s always been there….. lurking… watching…waiting… ready to take your hard-earned dollars under the guise of free stuff and good feelings… of bright warm colours and rewards.

How do you fight something that’s deceptively trying to eat your money? By maxing out of course! Speaking of eating… I hope you like cake!

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The PC Optimum Program – Part 2: The Cost of Free

“If you take the rest of my junk, I’ll give you this junk for free!”

The PC Optimum Program’s deck is stacked, and not in your favour. If you’re destined to lose, is there any point in still playing? Part of the problem is trying to pin an accurate value on what the PC Points are worth. It’s more complicated than just stating “X point are worth Y dollars”. That may be true, but in the larger scheme their real value is ultimately affected by how much it costed you to get those points. How much did it cost you by the way? What’s that? You don’t know? Hmmm…

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